Saturn in Pūrva Bhādrapadā: December 27th - April 29th

Śani in Pūrva Bhādrapadā: December 27th - April 29th

Artwork: Pinterest

Today, Śani (saturn) re-enters the Vedic Lunar Mansion of Pūrva Bhādrapadā पूर्वभाद्रपदा (Aquarius), the Scorching Star. We’re on the other side of gathering more information, distilling, and integrating the new found clarity that has presented itself.

We’re at a crossroads of sorts, one that will define the sucess of the lessons learned during Saturn’s retrograde period. This is a time to pause and reflect and act without impulsivity. Will you choose to commit fully to the timeline you’ve been tending to, or will you opt to birth anew, as you pivot and step whole wholeheartedly into a new timeline?

We’re revising energies that first began to emerge in the beginning of April and that were punctuated by Saturns Retrograde movement from August - October. Take your time to assess, adapt, and build lasting foundations. 

Pūrva Bhādrapadā is symbolized by metamorphosis, rebirth, tapas (penance), perseverance, and the undifferentiated fire energy that has the capacity to raise our consciousness. This constellation being one of the birth stars of Mercury represents the turmoil of the split that births the wisdom of neutrality. 

The Burning Pairsr’s deity (Aja Ekapāda) stands on one leg and has two heads—split yet able to see in both directions. Pūrva Bhādrapadā seeks to bridge heaven and earth, possessing the power to elevate and sacrifice. 

Artwork: Shiva/Trimurti. Dressed in a tiger skin, he is depicted (ekapada). Comapany School, Tamil Nadu, c. 1820

This sacrifice channels energy that can produce and draw down spiritual blessings. Through tapasya (austerity), this energy rises to melt and dissolve the veils obscuring the hidden moon within our minds, showering us with grace.

Saturn, the one who is measured and dilberate, creates the foundation for the split energies (Nāḍī’s of the Sun and Moon) through our yogic practices, to ascend through the central channel. The awakening of these energies nourishes our spiritual senses, invoking complete absorption and unity with the divine.

This shift marks a powerful reset, transforming introspection into action. Saturn, the planet of restraint and duty, who embodies the essence of patience, is urging us to implement the lessons learned during his retrograde phase and specifically August to October. It’s time to move forward — remember, this energy favors steady, deliberate progress.

Dare to weave the narrative that echoes in your heart. Weave your magic. This transit demands deep awareness and space for observation—take your time. keep your motivations in check and know that this time will be defined by the goals you set for yourself and your full commitment them.

Pay extra attention if you’re running a dasha (cycle) or sub-period of Jupiter or Rāhu, or if you have any planets sitting in Pūrva Bhādrapadā (Aquarius)—especially your Moon or rising sign (lagna).

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If this is arrogant, God, forgive me, but this is what I need to say. May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back, the way it is with children. Then in these swelling and ebbing currents, these deepening tides moving out, returning, I will sing you as no one ever has, streaming through widening channels into the open sea." ~ Rilke