Mercury Retrograde in Jyeṣṭhā: The Elder Star


Artwork: Painting; gouache on watermarked paper. Indra, cheif of the gods and the gauardian of the east, on his elephant Airavata, Trichinopoly. ca 1825 | Unknown 

Mercury comes to a standstill and retrogrades in the constellation of Jyeṣṭhā (ज्येष्ठा), the Elder Star, on November 25/26th. This constellation, situated at the pinnacle of material success, is symbolized by a protective amulet. Jyeṣṭhā awakens the power to conquer the subconscious, urging us to claim our seat and reflect on our commitments and relationship with responsibility.

Mercury embodies rajoguṇa (the mode of passion) and pṛthvī tattva (the earth element). Revered as the radiant son of the Moon (Chandra), Mercury is the bestower of discernment and the karaka (significator) of intellect, eloquent speech, the nervous system, communication, the student, skill, neutrality, and balance.

During this retrograde, Mercury will traverse the gaṇḍānta point (the karmic knot between water and fire) three times over the next month. There can be moments of feeling like you’re drowning or as if you’re experiencing a washing machine effect. This position holds immense power. Use this cycle with courage and wisdom, as the window for reflection, reassessment, renewal, and reimagination is brief yet potent.

This current lunation cycle has brought forth the need to preserve energy and purify that which has become stagnant or no longer contributes to growth. Since November 15th, we have been distilling the powerful teachings awakened during Saturn’s four-and-a-half-month retrograde. Now, we are invited to tend even more deeply to the inward path.

There’s a calling towards an ascension — to claim and become stationed in the seat of oneself. We’re being asked to tend to the renewal and protection of our nervous system and of our spinal region, a rejuvenation and energizing of our vital fluids in order to attain favor and align with the ineffable force that nourishes a seed to sprout and eventually blossom. We’re asking this intelligence, the one that decides fate, to protect us from distraction through the 9 gates (of the body) and to aid in the maintenance of our seat. Slow down. Step onto the inward path.

Jyeṣṭhā prospers through the right use of natural law and invites us to embrace spiritual practices, mindful movement (yoga, martial arts, tai chi, qi gong), occult knowledge, intuition, and prayer (mantra). These tools ground us and provide stability amidst change. Growth may feel uncomfortable, and emotions may run high. Observe the unfolding story with patience, neither resisting nor clinging to what is moving through.

Mercury begins its retrograde journey at the potent gaṇḍānta point, retraces its steps through Anurādhā, the Star of Success, and turns direct on December 15th. This retrograde invites us to unravel the threads of misalignment, allowing purification to ripple through the mind and heart. It is a call to peel back layers of distraction, over-commitment, or misdirection that cloud clarity. As Mercury traverses the karmic knots of gaṇḍānta, it beckons us to refine inner and outer dialogues, clearing pathways for deeper discernment.

What truths are ready to emerge as you revisit old commitments? What sacred boundaries must be reclaimed or fortified to nurture your highest aspirations? This is a moment to align intention with action, to clarify where your devotion lies, and to ensure your choices reflect the grounded responsibility of Jyeṣṭhā’s wisdom.

Be mindful of potential communication challenges, misunderstandings, and delays in creative projects. Revisit past decisions and reevaluate your relationship with responsibility with patience and care. Allow extra time while traveling, be thorough, and triple-check information to prevent errors or misinterpretations. Above all, be kind and gentle with yourself and others during this reflective period.

All My Relations

ॐ नमो नारायणाय | Om Namo Nārāyanāya

“The desire to know your own soul will end all other desires.” - Rūmī رومی 

New Moon in Punarvasu: The Star of Renewal


The sun and moon align for July’s dark moon on today at 20:32 (Spain) 11:32am PST in the Vedic lunar mansion of Punarvasu पुनर्वसु, (sidereal Cancer), the Star of Renewal. This nakshatra is symbolized by a quiver of arrows, holds the power to bestow prosperity and represents the light that returns after a storm. 

There is a feeling in the air that energy and resources are now at your command. A sense of hope around creating lasting stability and a new beginning is forged around how we nurture and take care of ourselves. An initiation of the heart steps forward as Venus stations retrograde and provokes interpersonal shadow work. 

The pulse for this month encourages integration of wisdom through experience and revitalization of mind, family, and security. Arrows are associated with movement and encourage us to strive, or move towards our objective. An opportunity for up-leveling is available. These particular arrows are thought to be magical, once released and the objective has been obtained, they circle back around. Just like that, this renewal of energy brings with it hope for a second chance and leaves the impression of a positive transformation from darkness to light.

You may be feeling a little restless, as if you’re taking two steps forward and four steps back and thirsty to move to the next phase. Just like nature appears to be more refreshed and harmonious after a storm, this new moon brings with it a breath of fresh air — a renewal of sorts. You may feel called to amp your energy up to the next level. If you choose to pick up the pace, know that it’s easy to lose perspective and awareness when gaining momentum.

Stay one pointed with your focus on your priorities. Release that which is distracting you from your desired destination and make sure you’re ready to commit fully to whatever you’re choosing. Move one step at a time, and keep your action steps and goals to yourself. Stay present, expand your awareness, and keep the big picture perspective. Don’t compromise your long term visions for the quickening of your current process. Stabilize into your purpose, ground your emotions and tend towards family and relationship healing.

As we continue to move through a collective course correction, matters of the heart step front and center. A new tune plays as Shukra (Venus), the planet of union, creativity, love, and affection, retrogrades in the constellation of Magha (sidereal Cancer) July 22nd through September 3rd. Do your best to stay open and as a witness to what is coming forward to be learned and healed around relationship. Track a little deeper and take your time to navigate matters of the heart.

With the New Moon, many set their intentions for the month. Contrary to popular belief, did you know that the most ideal time to set intentions is 24 hours AFTER the new moon? That's when the energy has begun to build up more momentum. What self care practices are you looking to commit to with this powerful energy of renewal?


Today marks the beginning of a special month in the Hindu calendar that occurs approximately every three years, known as Adhika-māsa or Purushottam māsa. This intercalary month holds great significance as it serves to reconcile and equalize the difference between the lunar and solar calendars.

In a typical Hindu lunar calendar, twelve months are calculated based on the phases of the moon, known as tithis, spanning approximately 354 days. This is referred to as the synodic year. On the other hand, the modern solar year is around 365 days long due to Earth's orbit around the sun. Have you ever considered that the sun moves one degree per day and that there is 360 degrees in a circle? (for more information, check out my article on the difference between Vedic and Western astrology and the 360-day solar year).

This additional month carries a unique spiritual significance and is considered prosperous, offering us an opportunity to deepen our spiritual practices. According to legend, it is believed that any recalibration to oneself is amplified during this auspicious month. Aligning with the new moon in Purnarvasu (Cancer), it becomes a beautiful month to focus on self-care, calibration, nourishment, and attuning with our spiritual sādhanā (practices).

To book a private consultation and talk about what the current planetary alignment means for YOU please visit Vedic Astrology Consultations. All my relations

Toko-pa-Turner // “To be baffled and obstructed is what engages creativity. This is the practice of poets, dreamers, and artists alike: to show up at the frontiers of uncertainty where we are met by ten thousand things. We practice there, on the verge, amateur and unprepared, at being friendly - or at least willing - towards the discomforts of our confusions. As Rumi says, ‘Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment!’