Some of us are lucky enough to know exactly who we want to be when we grow up and what our life's mission is. For the rest of us, it may take a lifetime and a lot of soul searching to not only know what truly sparks joy in our lives but then, how to offer our deepest gifts in such a way that we're uplifting the lives of our community around us, while living a deeply fulfilling and abundant life.
Now is the time of year when we're reminded of what we truly love about our lives and where we are encouraged to step powerfully into our dharma, our life's most fulfilling and evolutionary purpose. When I was 19 years old and just diving into my second year of University study, I was in a class studying the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Indian scripture. Our brilliant and inspiring Yogi of a teacher invited us to discover our dharma through a simple exercise that I now offer to you.
I remember moving through these very steps on multiple occasions and was motivated then and now to cultivate the gifts I have to offer to all my relations, in service. The results: "Yogic Lifestyle Retreats & Consulting!" So, who's with me for yoga, kirtan, rock climbing, trekking and surf retreats? If stepping into your power resonates with your heart, message me today to schedule a free 30 minute "Discovery Call" and hear more about my Holistic Wellness Consulting Programs:
Draw four overlapping circles, as in the picture below. Innocently fill in each of the boxes, from your heart. Whatever falls in each of the shared boxes is then moved to the center circle and reveals your DHARMA. Remember to dive deep, explore, get creative and most importantly, have fun. Think out of the box and don't forget to look right in front of your face at what you're already up to. Please do let me know if you have a breakthrough.